rscx 🪶

It looks like React (JSX) but it's executed in a macro, at build time. Your runtime will only need to send the pre-formatted string back to the client.

By reducing the number of memory allocations needed, we can say that rscx is blazingly fast.


Import it from

$ cargo add rscx

And, use it in your code:

use rscx::{component, html, props, CollectFragment};

async fn main() {
    let app = app().await;
    println!("{}", app);

// simple function returning a String
// it will call the Items() function
async fn app() -> String {
    let s = "ul { color: red; }";
    html! {
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                // call a component with no props
                <Section />

                // call a component with props and children
                <Section title="Hello">
                    <Items />

/// mark functions with #[component] to use them as components inside html! macro
fn Section(
    // you can use `builder` attributes to specify a default value (makes this prop optional)
    #[builder(default = "Default title".into(), setter(into))] title: String,
    #[builder(default)] children: String,
) -> String {
    html! {
            <h1>{ title }</h1>
            { children }

async fn Items() -> String {
    let data = load_data_async().await;
    html! {
                    .map(|item| html! { <li>{ item }</li> })
                    .collect_fragment() // helper method to collect a list of components into a String

/// async functions can be easily used in the body of a component, as every component is an async
/// function
async fn load_data_async() -> Vec<String> {
    vec!["a".to_string(), "b".to_string(), "c".to_string()]